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Since moving to Van Wert in January of 2013, I have helped in various ways to make a real difference in this community. Whether it's a bit of paint for one individual, roofing materials for another, helping someone with a water bill, or even a bit of investment capital, if a need arises or a product idea seems worthwhile to kick-start, I get involved. I've never taken any money from anyone in this community, not even for work I have done in my area of speciality. I'm not going to start now, either. No campaign contributions will be accepted for my bid for Mayor, nor, if elected will I accept the salary as anything other then to develop manufacturing businesses in this community, owned by locals in the community. I have my share of challenges, but most certainly do not need nor want your hard earned money. I've also stood up for people on issues I believe are just plain wrong in council as a private citizen of this community, and again will continue to, regardless of the outcome of this election.

Public sector goals

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Encourage a friendlier community

There are practices currently occurring within administration that are unnecessary and hostile to people and businesses. I know this first hand and have heard similar stories from others. I am looking forward to the day when I don't need to keep a lawyer on retainer to defend my interests against city officials. As for one of the topics, in one sense, although the conflict itself wasn't fun, the end result benefited the people, raising the minimum dollar limit from $1000 to $5000 for non-structural repairs and improvements to properties. It should become common practice to thank property owners for doing their part in improving the community.
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Inspire growth and locally owned manufacturing.

As an accomplished inventor and manufacturer, I have designed my own language and system of manufacturing for my machines. The intention of 113 W. Main street is to provide a place to relax, play, design and build, a shark tank, effectively. If my equipment, resources, and experience can help a would be inventor become successful, then it's serving its purpose.

Locally owned businesses should be given proper recognition, simply because of the value add to the community. This is not to say that larger corporations don't have their use, but per capita, local businesses benefit the community more. In particular, family businesses, much like Asian restaurants, have a lot to teach us about what binds families together. The more we as a people encourage family operations, the closer we get to a time in Van Wert's history when it didn't just survive, it thrived. Every time a new and successful business forms from the most impoverished of us, the tax liability for that family reduces by at least $50K/year, counting all subsidies, and further increases the tax base.

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Fix staffing issues in local government.

This city hasn't employed a City engineer in well over a decade. I'm sure a considerable amount of engineering is outsourced as a result. The Mayor's position shouldn't have a full time salary and needs to be brought in line with cities of a similar size. If elected, I'm happy to initiate a furlough of hours for the position until the position itself can be made right sized for this city and so that an so that an engineer can be hired. There are other changes that will likely become necessary, but it's time to fix this core issue in administration.
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Insuring that local government operates within the means of the people

When the proposed .28 increase came up, I studied the past 11 years of state auditors reports, after-which deciding to fund the opposition to the increase. It wasn't just because I knew the city could make it work without the increase, but because of the negative consequences to the people if it passed. For this same reason, I know a charter government will not be an improvement to the city. In fact, it will present more of a financial hardship and allow local government to go beyond current statutory government limits.
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Department expenses

Water and Sewer, now that it's done paying off the reservoir, could allocate those same resources to better automate reporting of usage, which would go a long way towards catching problems before they become expensive. In fact, operating on a city wide WIFI intranet, leaking or broken pipes could be identified in days, instead of months, with a gradual rollout over a period of years, instead of taking out another loan.

I've see good cause to question expenditures that deviate from private sector purchases.

$10,000 seems to be a common number worth flagging for review, whether it's a computer or treatment for mosquitoes. For the latter, cost of Permethrin, at least to me suggests there are alternatives that would be at least equally effective at 10% of what the city is spending now.

On streets, I have to wonder if it's feasible to buy the hardware necessary to take them back in terms of reconstruction work, instead of out-sourcing them to the private sector. The 0.5% streets income tax amounts to $2M per year, not counting any reserves from that tax. To me, that suggests that buying necessary capital equipment purchases is possible without having to borrow.

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Private sector interests

Our family has enjoyed success since moving here, with a 67% increase in revenues since 2012, which was our worst year ever. My own work involves the development of manufacturing businesses both in the US and internationally. I understand what it takes to become a manufacturer, especially on a shoestring budget. One change in recent years involves providing unfinished manufacturing support for clients in California, Illinois, eastern Ohio, and New York. An option available to my clients beyond manufacturing of the unfinished foot orthotics is finishing them to a state ready for patient use. I'm looking forward to a time when a client wants that sort of service, which will become a separate business, worker owned. In November of 2017, we acquired 113 W. Main street and met the challenges of renovating and repairing that building. Work is still in process on the building, but nearing completion.

Just as important, our family life includes the luxury of never being separated. In the 7 years of our daughter's life, I've only been separated from her 3 times for a total of 3 weeks. Imagine for a moment, never having to hire a baby sitter, and never being far from your children. With the right kind of environment and opportunity, I see it as a possible life choice for many in this community.

One local interest is in economical transportation, which we use regularly. As is the problem with imported goods, first, they're imports, taking money from the local economy. Because they aren't locally made, they also require sourcing of parts when they fail. Too often, mostly good units are trashed when they fail as a result. As a hobby, I've maintained, repaired, and improved these mobility devices and have learned how to use them all year long. For this particular model, I've developed enough experience with it to know what to expect, and for the catastrophic failures, how much it will cost per unit, without passing those costs onto the individuals. Assuming it's allowed to gain in popularity, I also see it as one possible career choice for someone, one I could pass my experience onto and get out of the way of. To me, an investment like this is simply something I'd only expect to ultimately recover any investment capital. I aggressively defend its usage in the community, instead of the common practice of making childhood illegal. I've also established sources for spare parts to make it easy for an individual to go into business for themselves, instead of being trapped in the employer/employee paradigm. It represents the kinds of concepts that I see useful in changing lives in this community.

Financial Disclosure Statement

Contact information

233 Burt Street, Van Wert, OH 45891
skype: osirusoft
email: joejared@oretek.com