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The following is disclosure of gross revenue from 2010~2018. Net, as always, is considerably lower. Links below each year represent disclosure sent to the Ohio Ethics Commission. When I build machines for companies, of course accounts will reflect large numbers, but it should not be assumed I profited from my work in this area. My profits come purely from helping to make other people successful, not selling machines. The larger machine I build for my clients, for example, may well cost $16.2K, but the reality of such a build is that I rarely see a penny of profit. Also, and important to note, is that in October of 2013, I inherited about $14K from my grandmother's estate, making it appear that 2014 growth was smaller than it really was. "Real Growth" takes that into account. 2018 growth wont be accurate until year end.

Financial disclosure
Month 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Jan $10110.01 $14566.92 $10874.55 $11466.34 $14007.35 $9111.41 $9396.11 $11390.14 $7316.42 $3730.58 $6879.81
Feb $7034.46 $11552.97 $11024.11 $10324.11 $9575.90 $9808.68 $27024.49 $5446.82 $6424.25 $9188.13 $8413.65 $3739.50
March $9790.78 $9446.63 $11931.21 $10141.52 $11744.06 $7964.02 $7682.16 $7150.73 $6376.72 $6237.93 $8921.97 $22090.06
April $8315.10 $9170.73 $14932.02 $9702.51 $10864.30 $10844.63 $8180.67 $8314.59 $11985.23 $7824.64 $7640.73 $4727.65
May $11164.17 $6267.81 $11967.39 $11220.13 $11578.41 $14373.03 $6751.01 $22319.70 $6073.82 $9729.34 $7842.35 $9322.40
June $9936.02 $6167.61 $11002.49 $9518.19 $11650.45 $8446.13 $8647.08 $31724.37 $21836.92 $4910.00 $9621.28 $6483.91
July $9284.45 $7221.37 $9379.02 $12404.02 $12345.48 $13619.37 $10275.90 $7427.38 $8408.38 $7278.53 $27023.85 $44656.72
August 10411.84 $6753.35 $14714.96 $12248.38 $15433.29 $10575.66 $13212.31 $9261.41 $7204.96 $9013.56 $9626.98 $9633.83
September $9409.80 $7999.96 $10044.86 $13922.73 $9199.41 $12629.45 $4859.80 $8668.75 $13698.71
October $11196.13 $11490.76 $12149.93 $14038.83 $13332.41 $11217.06 $10813.11 $6778.36 $21380.85 $5995.81 $6458.95 $7944.05
November $9094.52 $23930.00 $13539.51 $13655.33 $11986.95 $6521.49 $8222.68 $10275.41 $6254.06 $6424.89 $8096.71 $10111.96
December $10299.71 $8019.79 $12371.76 $12133.56 $13550.70 $13758.01 $15620.27 $13645.36 $12609.84 $11710.65 $29298.30 $8962.25
$116046.99 $122587.90 $143931.81 $140775.65 $145268.71 $116239.49 $125825.79 $133734.27 $128500.90 $86903.86 $138493.33 $141371.04
Growth (5.3%) (14.8%) 2.2% (3.1%) 25.0% (7.6%) (5.9%) 4.1% 47.9% (37.3%) (2.0%)
Real Growth 16.8% 31.8%
Disclosure Disclosure Disclosure
Q1 $26935.25 $35566.52 $33829.87 31931.97 35327.31 26884.11 44102.76 23987.69 20117.39 19156.64 24215.43 25829.56
Q2 $29415.29 $21606.15 $37901.90 30440.83 34093.16 33663.79 23578.76 62358.66 39895.97 22463.98 25104.36 20533.96
Q3 $29106.09 $21974.68 $34138.84 38575.13 36978.18 24195.03 23488.21 16688.79 28242.79 21151.89 45319.58 67989.26
Q4 $30590.36 $43440.55 $38061.20 39827.72 38870.06 31496.56 34656.06 30699.13 40244.75 24131.35 43853.96 27018.26
Q1P 23% 29% 24% 23% 24% 23% 35% 18% 16% 22% 17% 18%
Q2P 25% 18% 26% 22% 23% 29% 19% 47% 31% 26% 18% 15%
Q3P 25% 18% 24% 27% 25% 21% 19% 12% 22% 24% 33% 48%
Q4P 26% 35% 26% 28% 27% 27% 28% 23% 31% 28% 32% 19%
Q1 estimate $117109.78 $154637.04 $147086.39 $138834.65 $153597.00